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China's support for Russia's Ukraine war 'has to stop': Blinken

China's support for Russia's defense industrial base is prolonging the Ukraine war and "has to stop, ...View More

'West has to wake up' on China, UK MPs warn after cyber attacks

British Members of Parliament call on the UK government to take stronger action on China after cyber ...View More

UK sanctions Chinese 'state-affiliated group' for hacking democratic institutions

Britain's Deputy Prime Minister Oliver Dowden announces sanctions on a group called APT31 which the  ...View More

US launches new missile strike on Houthi target in Yemen | BBC News

The US has carried out a new attack against the Houthis in Yemen, a day after wider attacks led by t ...View More

UK picking apart Russian army vehicles captured in Ukraine to learn their secrets, military reveals

The UK is picking apart Russian armoured vehicles captured in Ukraine to learn more about how to def ...View More

China urges UK 'careful in words and deeds' after FM's Taiwan conflict warning

Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Mao Ning urges the UK to be 'careful in words and deeds' after ...View More

Beijing slams 'false' US claims that China may arm Russia

Beijing slams US for spreading false information after US accused China of considering arming Russia ...View More

China to release a paper on the solution of Ukraine crisis

Beijing says China will release a position paper on political settlement of the Ukraine war upon the ...View More

DPDM Global: A Burmese-run social enterprise in the UK

Thuta Khin has spent the last eight years living in London. She studied business and then launched a ...View More

Myanmar: Ambassador is locked out of embassy and forced to sleep in a car

The ambassador to the UK was forced to sleep in his car overnight, after being locked out of Myanmar ...View More

Myanmar ambassador locked out of London embassy | DW News

Demonstrations against Myanmar's ruling junta broke out in London on Wednesday after the Myanmar env ...View More

Why Trains Are So Expensive (Sometimes More Than Flights)

Have you noticed, when shopping for travel tickets, you occasionally come across prices that defy lo ...View More

42 Things That Are Always Confused for One Another

There are many things that we think are the same, but they're actually 2 different things. For examp ...View More